Studying part-time while working is one of life’s greatest challenges. It’s not easy and lots of people give up because of just how hard it is to balance everything out.
Adopting these study habits, though, should help you better manage your time and strike the right balance between life, work and study.
Don’t hide your situation. Your situation is rather complicated and it definitely would help if you’re open about it, especially to your employer. After all, being a part-time student means that it’ll be near-impossible for you to work overtime, and you’ll certainly need to move your usual shift at times to attend exams. Letting your boss or employer know about your situation may allow them to negotiate better hours for you to help you study better.Set goals. Being a part-time student means that you’ll need to make use of every extra time you get to either studying or resting. Planning ahead and knowing what you want to achieve from each study session can help stay on the right course and be more efficient with your handling of time.
Sneak in incidental study time when you can. Have you ever heard about how adding incidental exercise adds up and helps you lose weight? For example, instead of taking the elevator, some choose to take the stairs instead. Others park further away than usual, while some choose to walk an extra block to go to work. Regardless, what they’re doing is sneaking in small opportunities to be active, all without feeling like they’re dedicating more of their time to exercise.
The same principle works for studying. A good example is creating audio files of your readings to listen to while having your coffee break, waiting for the bus, or while you’re out on your morning run.
Remind yourself that this isn’t permanent. When “sh*t hits the fan”, try to remind yourself that your situation is temporary, and you certainly won’t be hard pressed for time forever. Take this time to motivate yourself that what you’re doing right now will eventually pay off in the end.
While we’re not condoning it or anything, getting a fake diploma and using it as a stepping stone to further your career is also a viable option.
There are diploma mills online that can help you get a fake diploma so that you don't have to worry about working and studying at the same time anymore.